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时间:2023-11-12 12:43:31人气:作者:本站作者我要评论

Are you ready to embark on an epic journey through time and space? Look no further than "A Chinese Odyssey," also known as "大话西游" in Chinese. This classic fantasy film, released in 1995, has captured the hearts of audiences around the world with its captivating storyline, lovable characters, and stunning visual effects.

The story follows the mischievous Monkey King, also known as Sun Wukong, who is punished by the gods for his rebellious behavior. He is tasked with escorting a Buddhist monk, Tang Sanzang, on a perilous journey to retrieve sacred scriptures from India. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges as they are joined by other companions: Pigsy, Sandy, and the White Bone Demon.

The film features an all-star cast including Stephen Chow as the Monkey King, Ng Man-tat as Tang Sanzang, Athena Chu as the White Bone Demon, and Karen Mok as Pigsy. Each character brings their own unique personality to the story and adds to the overall charm of the film.

One of the most memorable scenes in "A Chinese Odyssey" is when Tang Sanzang must use his wit and wisdom to outsmart a group of demons disguised as beautiful women. This scene showcases both Stephen Chow's comedic genius and Ng Man-tat's impeccable acting skills.

For those who want to relive this classic tale or experience it for the first time, "A Chinese Odyssey" can be easily downloaded through torrent sites such as Thunder (迅雷). Simply search for "大话西游英文名" and select a reliable source for downloading.

Now let's address some frequently asked questions about "A Chinese Odyssey":

1) What is the English title of "大话西游"?

The English title is "A Chinese Odyssey."

2) Is this film available with English subtitles?

Yes, there are versions of the film with English subtitles available for download.

3) Are there any sequels to "A Chinese Odyssey"?

Yes, there are two sequels: "A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella" and "A Chinese Odyssey Part Three."

4) Is this film suitable for children?

While the film does contain some comedic violence, it is generally considered family-friendly.

5) Can I watch this film without seeing the original "Journey to the West" story?

Yes, "A Chinese Odyssey" can be enjoyed as a standalone film without prior knowledge of the original story.

In conclusion, "A Chinese Odyssey" is a must-watch for fans of fantasy and comedy. Its endearing characters, clever plot twists, and iconic scenes make it a timeless classic. So why wait? Download "大话西游英文名" now and join in on the adventure!


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