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时间:2023-07-14 10:32:50人气:作者:爱克下载我要评论

London [UK], June 13 (ANI): Leader of the Muttahidda Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain said that revolution is the only way forward to resolve issues and crises of Pakistan. While addressing the honest generals, officers and soldiers of the Pakistan military, he asked them to take the corrupt generals to task and those who would do this will have his full support for the sake of the country.He said this while addressing a gathering organized under the aegis of the United Kingdom chapter of the MQM in London to commemorate the 45th "Foundation Day" of All Pakistan Mohajir Students Organization (A.P.M.S.O), a mother organization of MQM.He added that although the people of Pakistan are suffering from difficulties and crises, it is encouraging that the political awareness is on the rise in Pakistan.The oppressed communities in particular and the masses in general have now realised that the two percent of the country"s elite patronised by the corrupt military generals has usurped the rights of the people and has occupied the entire resources in order to keep a deep state working.He said, the people are suffering from poverty, inflation and economic depression because that consortium of corrupt land owners and military generals have established their empire and they legislate rules, laws and policies to protect their vested interests. Every law they have so far passed through the Parliament and promulgated was never meant to serve the masses.He further said that he had pioneered a struggle for the rights of Muhajirs nation in Pakistan but equally made the people aware of the tricks and tactics of the two percent privileged class. He had also pioneered the involvement of the oppressed and downtrodden people in country"s active politics and elevated them to the levels of the lawmakers, he added. Hussain added that the Pakistani military is in control of the resources of the state. There are more than 200 countries in the world which have their own militaries but there is just one military in the world that has a country and that is the Pakistani military.He said the Pakistani military always dissipated a strong hate wave against the country"s politicians and held them as traitors but no general has ever been called a traitor till date. The military generals broke the country but no general was punished. They imposed martial laws frequently in the country, suspended the constitution, but not a single military general was punished. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of Pakistan have always provided legal cover to all the wrongdoings of the military establishment.Hussain said the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a democratic leader who believed in civilian supremacy and wanted to restrict the army to its constitutional scope. That"s why the military establishment assassinated him by poisoning. The military establishment assassinated Khan Liaquat Ali Khan, the country"s first Prime Minister in a packed rally in Rawalpindi.Jinnah"s sister Fatima Jinnah dashingly challenged the military dictator General Ayub Khan"s dictatorship and the military establishment also packed her body in coffin. He said that he was the first to raise his voice against the political engineering by the military generals due to which the military establishment left no stone unturned to defame and malign him.The people of Punjab have always supported the military establishment despite the killings of innocent Muhajirs, Baloch, Sindhi and Pashtuns but today they have witnessed the cruelty and tyranny of the military establishment which is now unleashing its fury on the innocent protestors in Punjab. Thus, today, the people of Punjab are condemning the military establishment of Pakistan. They have seen the military establishment fully exposed to its crimes. At present, the youth are criticising the wrong policies of the military establishment. Moreover, on direct orders of the military establishment, their relatives are being arrested and forced to disappear in case the wanted persons are not found.They are also realising that the military of Pakistan is a pack of assassins. This is the only reason why even today in Punjab people raise slogans against this cruelty and are saying that the military generals are the axis of evils.Hussain said it hurts him watching the women leaders of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) parting ways with its chairman Imran Khan under immense pressure from the ISI because they fear their children will be hit hard if they would resist the ISI. This is the worst of political engineering by the military establishment and still they will face humiliation because the die-hard political activists of the PTI won"t desert their leader Imran Khan as my loyal followers did not.On a question, he replied: "I only condemn the tyranny and no matter if my enemies are on target. I"ll condemn the tyrant. This is my policy."He added that the PTI chairman, his entire political party and his workers are being crushed so he is on the sides of the victims of the oppression. Moreover, he asserted that the military establishment is the axis of all evils in the country.The MQM supremo felicitated the workers and the supporters on the 45th foundation day of A.P.M.S.O and said that despite state oppression, his staunch colleagues are standing firm and spreading his message across the world. He dedicated his struggle to his loyalists. (ANI)





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