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时间:2023-10-18 14:39:34人气:作者:爱克下载我要评论






Ocular Unlock Strategy 1: Harness Your Wisdom to Triumph over Locks!

The Ocular Unlock is a technique that utilizes optical instruments to unlock secured devices. It can be applied to various types of locks, including car locks, household locks, and office locks. The advantages of this technology are enhanced security and convenience.

In the game of Ocular Unlock, each level requires players to use their brains and showcase their intelligence to successfully unlock the puzzle. For instance, in the third diagram, players need to move two spatial light transmission boxes, one T-shaped light source box, and one light source deflector. only by manipulating these light source boxes correctly and positioning them as instructed can players emerge victorious.

Step 1:Move the four light source boxes numbered 1-4 to the white arrow.Step 2:Adjust the angles of the light source deflectors to ensure proper transmission of light.Step 3:Move the spatial light transmission boxes and T-shaped light source box to ensure the light reaches the target location.Step 4:Check if each target is properly illuminated. If any are missed, readjust the positions of the light sources.Step 5:Succeed in unlocking, then proceed to the next level for new challenges.

By employing their wisdom and skillfully maneuvering the light source boxes and deflectors, players can progressively unlock each level. In this game, each target requires a different number of beams to be illuminated. Therefore, careful observation is essential during gameplay, ensuring that light sources are arranged optimally for transmission.

Ocular Unlock Strategy 1: Harness Your Wisdom to Triumph over Locks!


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